
Vaccines for the Rona!

In case you've been asleep for the last couple of years, way back in 2020 the COVID-19 virus started to ravage the world. The number of deaths were staggering and the world prayed and hoped for a solution. 

Given the collection of ridiculously crazy smart people gathered together at different locations around the globe, several vaccines were produced to combat the disease. It really was miraculous. 

Beliefs about this miracle have become so incredibly divisive, that this is probably the only blog I'll write where I don't post it on social media. People seem to have lost their ever living freaking minds about vaccines and are so very entrenched in opposing beliefs about it that people are no longer open to any type of civil discussion about it. 

Not that you care what I think, but, here is what I think :-)

When Covid first hit people were terrified. We were asked to wear masks in public and if we were in a high-risk group or were feeling symptoms then we should stay home. The masks would prevent you from getting the virus and if those at high risk stayed home, we'd be safe. Makes sense. Well, at least it did at the time. Then things went cray cray in March, 2020. 

We were asked to stay at home for 2-weeks and only certain people were allowed to leave their homes. Terms like "essential workers", "social distancing" and "flatten the curve" (I'm editing this in January, 2022 and literally recently heard a commercial for us to take action to flatten the curve!) became part of our every day conversations. Our actions made sense as reasonable things we could all do to fight the pandemic and save lives. 

Then things changed. Fast! It seems that during those two weeks of everyone staying home to flatten the curve, everyone got bored and started partaking in other activities...

We all had to make sacrifices but a big thing we were excited to sacrifice were small businesses. Small companies had to shut down while Walmarts, Costcos, and Smiths/Krogers thrived. Small grocery stores and restaurants were not essential, while enormous ones were. The small business may be selling the same products, but weren't allowed to operate. "Due to COVID" became an out for any ridiculous measure you were taking. 

You could literally say anything and blame it on COVID and people would accept your actions without question. "Uh, why are you binge watching Honey Boo Boo episodes? Oh right, COVID! Of course! Can I join in?"

Then the CDC came out and said regular masks don't actually work. There is no use in wearing a mask and unless you have an N95 or better, it just isn't going to do anything. Those tiny COVID particles are far too tiny to be caught by a regular mask (kinda like putting up a chain link fence to keep the mosquitos out). Oh and you cannot get the virus from touching a surface. No one really listened to them and people went mad trying to buy masks and Lysol wipes to wipe everything within eye sight down. If you agreed with the CDC, well, you denied science. After some time of social media and popular news agencies promoting masks and wiping everything down, the CDC finally came around to the "science" of it all and demanded everyone wear masks like social media had been telling us to do. We'll get back to science in a minute, but let's take a look at the vaccines.

As mentioned, the vaccine was produced in miraculous time though some people remained skeptical. Many were never going to get the "Trump vaccine" because they would never do anything he asked them to do. Others were also concerned about the extreme speed that the vaccine was created and others concerned about how the vaccine prevented the disease. 

Back then, our dream was to have 70-80% of the country vaccinated, at which point not only would our country be extremely safe, but we would be able to more strongly turn our resources to helping the rest of the world. We would reach the magical number when our country would have "heard immunity". 

Over this time, when other areas around the world reached 70% vaccination rates, we breathed a sigh of relief and celebrated the progress. We were winning the battle!

Reaching these percentages for a heard immunity makes sense and is how other diseases have been eradicated. Obviously not every person needs to be vaccinated, but just enough to kill the spread. Once the disease dies out, there really isn't a reason for future generations to be vaccinated to diseases that are no longer. That 70-80% vaccine goal soon thrown to the wayside as we then demanded that every single person be vaccinated. 

I'm going to break out a few areas to discuss...


How they were counting COVID deaths also seems ridiculous to me. If someone dies in an automobile accident or commits suicide and they had a positive test for COVID, it is a COVID death. One might be completely asymptomatic and die from something unrelated and it counts as a COVID death. Once the CDC let us know that anyone with COVID who died for any reason was counted as a COVID death social media and "news" networks combined forces to quickly censor anyone sharing the real statistics.  

At the time of this writing, over 80% of the United States is vaccinated with 99% of those over 65 who are in a high risk age group, have received the vaccine. Actually, to make the numbers look worse, we have to include in all of the children who haven't been approved to receive the vaccine, or the numbers are very high. Yes, with about 10 seconds of research, you can see that the statistics are usually lies. 

I don't trust the CDC much anymore, but they are the main source of information we have about diseases. Though this largely dishonest organization tells us all sorts of stuff, you can still go to their website and do your own research. The media isn't tell you what the CDC says, but their own skewed sick version. The media tells us numbers and statistics that are not close to what the CDC reports, but of course if you question them, you are a hateful denier of science and your posts will be blocked and you will likely be cancelled. 

Now the war is on children. Every child must be vaccinated, which is when I feel we are really hopping on the crazy train. After hitting our long term vaccination goals, we are going to force children to get the vaccine. For adults, the likelihood of dying is very small, but this number is pretty much zero for children. However, we have been told that they must be vaccinated as not to pass the disease on to adults who are more susceptible to the ill effects of COVID, even if they are almost all vaccinated. 

After we have learned this, we are now forcing every child to receive a vaccine and to wear a mask, which is funny because these are the two things science and the CDC have told us that children don't need. Now don't get me wrong, I believe every one of my 5 children are vaccinated for everything that our pediatrician has recommended, but demanding that our children be vaccinated for COVID is ridiculous. Forcing children to wear a mask around other people, even if you have to force them or tie it to their faces is disgusting. If they were at risk and the mask was helpful, then some of the madness might have some reasonable backing, but we really need to put down the fatty before demanding other people take ridiculous actions.

Have you ever seen commercials for a diet pill that tell you - taking this pill, along with exercised and an improved diet will help you lose weight. Yup, or you could just exercise and improve your diet and you'll lose weight. If you look up towards Mars every night, and exercise and eat better, you'll also lose weight. Yup, I think the vaccine people are the same ones making those diet pill advertisements! If you take this pill, you'll still get COVID, but your symptoms shouldn't be too bad, which they aren't anyway, but you might not then pass COVID on to someone else, though you probably will because you are still getting COVID and they will still get COVID from you cuz the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or spreading it, so we mandate children receive the vaccine and will try and remove as many freedoms as possible until they are vaccinated. 

It's also crazy that those who are vaccinated and get COVID, which is just about all the COVID cases now, publicly declare the loudest that they are just grateful they got the vaccine. You still got COVID and you are one of the sickest people who have had it, but you can't get past the fact that you are grateful for the vaccine? Well, then the media tells us how much sicker we would be without the vaccine, but the big problem is, nearly everyone has had COVID and I can look at those who had COVID before the vaccine and those who got it after and the "vaxxed" (how to say you are vaccinated, but sound cool) are much sicker. 


Sometimes, I go to lunch with one of my buddies and call it a man date. Unfortunately, the government's mandates aren't anywhere near that fun. 

Now (Spring 2022) that the numbers are going back down and so many people are vaccinated, we have decided that now is the time to force companies to force their employees to get vaccinated.  Yup, after nearly two years and hitting our vaccination goals incredibly fast, it is time to fire any person who is not vaccinated. If the government does business with a company, well it will now force that company to fire any employee who is not vaccinated. Businesses should not be allowed to operate if they are not forcing employees to be vaccinated. Yup, the vaccines, that won't stop us from getting or spreading COVID, we will destroy your life until you give in. There are plenty of claims that the vaccine is going to control our minds or they are implanting tracking devices in us and I don't adhere to these beliefs, however, these people make far more sense than those who are so strongly for forcing the world to be vaccinated.

Maybe the worst example of this is that after fighting COVID on the frontlines for over a year and a half, nurses are getting fired if they don't have the vaccine. It's shocking to me to see that all medical personnel support and believe in the vaccine and now states are scrambling to figure out how to replace those medical personnel that just got fired because they did not feel they should get the vaccine. The CDC says that around 70% of medical care providers are vaccinated, so we need to fire the other 30% and then find a way to make due with the 70%. Now people are shocked about nursing shortages and blaming it on the economy or the increased prevalence of people quitting their jobs, not the refusal of those most familiar with COVID to get the vaccine. 

We soon will not be allowed to work, go to a restaurant or do pretty much anything if we are not vaccinated. Ooops, I wrote that last sentence and now in some cities, you cannot go to pretty much any business without being vaccinated. COVID numbers are way down, vaccines of those who are high risk are nearly 100% and we are shutting down people's lives if they do not have the vaccine. Of course the more enlightened areas of the globe are arresting people who dare go out in public without the magical vaccine. 

The important thing to do in the 2020's seems to be letting people know that this is a political issue and if you don't get a vaccine you are obviously blind, dumb and ignorant to science. Hate and mandates seems to be the only available tools that we can use to encourage people to be vaccinated. When we lack logic, we must use force.

Using hate and mandates is the most repugnant, dirty and vile way to coerce someone to believe a certain way. It also seems to be the only tool we use today. 

Vaccine Hysteria

Honestly, I think hate is one of the biggest roadblocks to people getting the vaccine. Mass Psychosis in our country as we seek out the nonvaxed like the witches in Salem.

When politicians come out and tell us to follow President Biden and those who don't are ignorant, that is going to push away a huge portion of the population. If Republicans come out and say everyone should drink water, Democrats will stop. If Democrats say everyone should love puppies, Republicans will stop. This should not be a political decision. 

Actually, I believe nothing should be a political decision. 

This is particularly troubling when the larger message goes something like this - socialism is great, if you don't vote for us we are only a few months for all the glaciers being melted, all animals going extinct and you have to get vaccinated because it is safe and effective, if you don't believe all this then you hate the government. This is really too bad because people won't get vaccinated as it is a political choice now. It doesn't matter what is best for the individual, only what is mandated by the state. 

Other Options?

In my own little world, my more pro-vaccine acquaintances believe we should simply shoot people who leave their homes if they don't have the vaccine. Doctor's and hospitals shouldn't treat people who are not vaccinated. The non-vaxxed shouldn't be allowed to buy groceries or to exit their homes. People who are not vaccinated are mocked and when someone dies from COVID who wasn't vaccinated, people rejoice. Famous people who don't believe like we do get COVID and those who believe differently gather around to express how badly they hope they die. 

The funny thing, I watched Schindler's List this year with my older children and afterwards we talked about how a country could have strayed so far in their thinking and have so much hate, that they were totally fine to sit by and watch so many people be killed. 

Now I know.

It's funny, back in 2020 I told people that it wouldn't be long before the government was forcing people to be vaccinated and would force people to show their papers as proof of vaccination, before receiving any services. Even my most left leaning friends said that would never happen and that we don't live in Nazi Germany. 

Well, well, well. 

Comparing our politicians to Nazi's in Germany or leaders of communist parties is becoming incredible easy to do nowadays. Ok, maybe not 1945 Nazis, but we are definitely trying to emulate their mission throughout the 1930s. 

Doctors refuse to treat sick people who haven't had the vaccine. Employees will be fined if they don't have the vaccine. Yup, single people working from home by themselves will be fired or fined if they don't get the vaccine. Children shouldn't be allowed in schools. Churches should definitely be shut down. 

The government and companies will remove your freedoms right now, but if you do what they say, they will allow you to live free again. Just get vaccinated and we will give you some of your freedoms back. If the government can force us to wear a seatbelt, then they can force people to be vaccinated. To me there is a HUGE concern with the government not letting out of your home or have a job without taking measures that do so very little to help the cause.

It was so fascinating that when the numbers showed that blacks were being vaccinated at a rate far lower than whites. Whites were vaccinated at some 75% while blacks were below 20%. A day and a half after New York City learned they have such low participation from the black community, they came out and said that you cannot work if you aren't vaccinated. Really people? Sickening. 

Companies can fire employees who haven't received this vaccine which is just so crazy to me. Can you fire someone who hasn't been vaccinated for another disease? What? No MMR shot, you are out of here! With your religious or political beliefs, you haven't had the Diphtheria shot? Yup, you are fired. What else is going to make the list? Your company does business with another business that doesn't force vaccines or is in a county/state/country that doesn't force vaccines, well then you'll need to stop until you force them to do what we say.

This is especially troubling when such a huge portion of the COVID message out there is that those wonderful enlightened people out there that have the vaccine are saving lives. Those who aren't are all ignorant right-wingers who deny science. We should not let these people out of their homes, in restaurants and we should try and get them fired. 

Forcing people to take measures that don't seem to have a real impact, seems to be a larger war on minorities, those in certain religions and especially those with different political beliefs. 

This sets an incredibly creepy precedence. Employers being able to ask about your personal health history is taking a huge step back for our country. Ok employee, do you happen to have any STDs? AIDS perhaps? Are you pregnant? What is your blood pressure? Did you wear protection on your date last night? How about a mask? What medications are you taking? How many sexual partners have you had in the last year? What treatments are you taking for your cancer? Who did you vote for? Let me see your papers showing that you have been compliant to government orders. 

Masks - In the beginning, Dr. Fauci came out and said that masks wouldn't work to slow the spread of the COVID virus and history has shown him to be correct. Well, at least on that point, he's changed his mind on just about everything he has said, so no matter what, you feel about masks, vaccines or the disease in general, you can find a quote of his to back it up. 

Masks, as Dr. Fauci said, don't seem to work at all to slow the spread. States with the strictest mask mandates seem to have the highest COVID cases which I find so fascinating and am not sure why that is. Common sense leads me to believe that wearing a mask doesn't increase the spread of the disease, but there is something with the mandates that seems to do just that. The stronger the mask, vaccine and stay-at-home mandates, the faster the spread. Given this history, what do we do when there is a new outbreak? Yup, double down on those things that history has proven don't work. Masks, mandates and vaccines aren't working like they should, we so feel like we should double down our efforts towards these things as to somehow prove our previous actions as being right? 

It was a little comical that after a year, Dr. Fauci came out again and said that masks don't really work, so we should probably wear two, three would be better. Remember that? For like two weeks, people were wearing two masks, which were always two different colors, to make sure people could see they were wearing two of them? Even that fad died out very quickly.

It's hard not to look at politicians on both sides of the aisle who demand strict mask mandates and then are caught at parties with hundreds of people while no one is wearing a mask. Sure, President Obama has been catching heat for that maskless birthday party, but it is hard to find a politician that hasn't been photographed without a mask on in public places after putting strict measures in place. It seems the more they want mandates, the less they adhere to their own guidelines.


A cure for COVID doesn't exist quite yet, at least that I have heard of, but if you try and mention things that might help, you'll be quickly blocked on social media and YouTube. Large hospital networks come out and say after treating a ton of COVID patients that interventions of this or that have proven very beneficial and if those aren't in line with what the government says, they are blocked. It's fascinating that such large medical organizations or members of congress get blocked on YouTube or Facebook/Twitter for finding other ways to fight the disease. 

If I put together a video or group planning to riot, loot or steal, I'm free to do so. If I encourage people to take care of their diabetes or lose weight so the COVID won't hit them as hard, I'll be taken down immediately. It's insane.

Oh and "social distancing"? Not physical distancing, just social. As there is no apparent rhyme or reason to what is being spewed out from politicians about COVID, it makes you wonder what is really going on. History will show that but now, most of us can only guess. 

When we are encouraged or forced to fire employees without a vaccine. We shouldn't have family members to our homes for the holidays who aren't vaccinated. We shouldn't date people who aren't vaccinated. We shouldn't remain friends on social media with the unvaxxed. Churches, sporting events, grocery stores, restaurants, gyms and bars should be reserved only for those who are vaccinated. Social distancing is the obvious goal here, but definitely not for reasons that have anything to do with a disease. Well, aside from the disease of hate and bigotry, which is very alive and well. 


The phrase "Science shows that...." has lost all meaning for me. This doesn't mean that scientific studies don't actually show something, but in 2021 it means that when you are making an argument for whatever your favorite media outlet is saying, you should start the argument stating that science has proven whatever you are about to say. 

Science says we have to get vaccinated, that we don't have to get vaccinated, that men and women are biologically identical as are humans are animals. For me, I want to read the study. I want to see the scientific study that  produced the results that you are stating. I want to see the size of the pool, who it includes, the results, the alpha, and the summary. Actually, I don't really care what the summary says because we should be able to make our own deductions from the study. If your "science" is reiterating some garbage you heard from CNN or Fox, then I think we have different definitions of what science means. 

You don't have to be a scientist to read a study. Let's say a study says, our findings show a slight increase in X when you do Y, then MSNBC says that everyone in the country should be forced to do X and if you don't then you hate the government, deny science and likely club baby seals on weekends. 

If I scroll through social media, I can tell you exactly who does not believe in science, because each one of them will have a post boldly stating that they believe science! Nope, not actual science, just whatever the media is telling me because all scientists and doctors agree with whatever media I follow. 

Each of these people will probably also joke about how the kids who got a C in high school science class are now denying science. It is kinda funny, but I'll side with those kids any day. Apparently the way to not deny science is to believe popular media. If you take a moment to look at what the scientists actually said that the media is referring to and make your own deductions, well then you are denying science.


Washington doesn't seem to care about people dying from crime, lack of healthcare, homelessness, cancer, strokes, heart disease, drugs or gangs. Now that we've found that Fauci helped fund the laboratory that created the virus, it only makes sense that the world should revolve around his knowledge and how to fight it.

I'm cutting and pasting the following excerpt directly from the CDC website. The only thing I've changed is the blue font...

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 351 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 9, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,631 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

Whoa, ok, it has taken me a few months to write this (ok, I get on and write a little every couple months). Back when I started it there were around 5,000 deaths. Now we are nearly 15,000 deaths! Posting that link from the CDC is just one of many of their webpages that are blocked on social media. To me, the CDC can be honest about the numbers of those who die after taking the vaccine, because social media will block that link anyway. Luckily for them, no one does research outside of their favorite "news" bubbles they are in.

Some of those people were going to die regardless of receiving the vaccine. If I post a link with that number of my Facebook page, it will be greyed out and I will receive a barrage of angry emails from people asking why I'm so blind and I deny science. 

Yup, the vaccine is "safe and effective" and problems are "rare", unless you are one of the 15,000 people who have died after taking the vaccine. What seems even creepier is that not long after the Johnson & Johnson vaccine came out, there were less than a handful of people who experienced aneurisms and a freeze was put on the administration of the medical. FAR more people were dying from the other two vaccines, but that wasn't a problem. The J&J vaccinated patients had an extremely miniscule chance of an aneurysm, and it is stopped. 

Now social media, YouTube and search engines are blocking certain hashtags, including those about natural immunity. Real studies have shown that people who have survived the Rona in the past have a higher immunity than those who have had the vaccine alone, giving them a fairly strong natural immunity. Want to learn more about natural immunity? That's going to be tough as search results along these lines are now blocked. 

If a hospital or group of doctors perform a study on COVID patients or treatments but the findings are not fully in-line with forcing people to get vaccinated, their findings will be taken down. Welcome to American 2022!

Today, believing in "science" simply means that you agree with and perpetuate whatever the media tells you. What's even more crazy is that the CDC says that 30% of medical care providers are not vaccinated. Yup, nearly one in three people who provide medical care still refused to get vaccinated, even when many of them face losing their jobs.

Questions? I have far more respect for people who question what the government tells them what they should put in their bodies, than  those who blindly agree. Society tells us the people with questions are blind and ignorant while strict obedience to your favorite media outlet means you are enlightened . Really? 

What are the longterm effects of the vaccine? What are the side-effects? Why are so many people getting far sicker with the vaccine than they did when they actually had COVID? What is in the vaccine? 

In the beginning, we needed one vaccine, then it was two. Now it is three with some saying people need to be receiving this every six months. Ummm, maybe every three months now. It's crazy that no one sits back and thinks - hey wait a minute, you guys change your mind every time you turn MSNBC on? The number of vaccines we are supposed to have is going up quicker than the number of masks we are supposed to wear! What's going on?

People are hesitant with this vaccine as we have gotten used to hearing about all of the trials a new medication undergoes before it can be sold to the public. A new medication will take around a decade and will cost billions of dollars before it is allowed to be given to people. Before a known beneficial medication can be offered in a different form, say from a pill to a liquid pill, will take years of research and trials before being approved. Now we have a brand new vaccine gets to skip all of the trails that any other medication would face, but we should question it? Yes, I realize that they said that no steps were skipped, just that all steps happened simultaneously. Really people?!

My original blog was much more pro vaccine as the numbers seemed obvious that the vaccines work. The next section was showing how well these vaccines are working, but unfortunately, I've waited too long to finish my blog and that just doesn't seem to be the case.  Vaccines in general have been an amazing invention over the years and have helped eradicate several diseases. I think vaccines are one of the largest God-given miracles of our day! Now it seems that deaths are only for vaccinated people. 

Yup, back in 2020, everyone was supposed to be vaccinated so they wouldn't get COVID. Even if you were a healthy person with little chance of getting sick, you were supposed to get the vaccine so in the event you did get COVID, you couldn't pass it to other people. Then they said that the vaccine won't stop you from getting COVID, just that it helps you not get really sick. Well that turned out to be wrong, so then we were supposed to get vaccinated so we weren't hospitalized. Yup, wrong again. Then it was because vaccinated people weren't dying, which again is false. Of course now, we are doubling down on with our intensity of the hatred that we treat those who aren't vaccinated. Now we want to force everyone in the world to get vaccinated. 

Media likes to tell us how there are two types of people - those who are vaccinated and those who are not. Those who are not are the enemy. Hating these people is the best way to get them to comply.

One big thing that concerns me is the censoring from social media. People are sharing links to the CDC website and Facebook is greying them out as having misleading information. Then it tells you to check the CDC's website for more information? Really? The amount of information about the virus and different treatments from reputable solid sources with people doing real research and then getting filtered by Insta, Facebook and Twitter is staggering. 

In the past months, social media outlets have refused to let President Trump post anything, but allow the Taliban and those gathering to loot, murder and protest are welcomed in. Large medical organizations that have breakthroughs in treatment get blocked. If you are going to protest, shoot some police officers or burn down a 7-11, you are good to go. 

Big cheers from this fella for the actions of those who run social media and popular "news" outlets!

Xi's lost chance in Asia | The Japan Times

Popular media outlets shouldn't be the ones controlling the flow of information or blocking what the CDC is telling us. The CDC through much of this seems absolutely worthless as they are quick to follow whatever the media behemoths tells them, so I'm not sure why they conflict?

The fewer the facts the stronger the opinion

I love France and her people, and they seem to be some of those pro-socialist government companies and even they have been having mobs and riots from those protesting the vaccine passports. Even with all the protests, if you want to go somewhere in France, you have to show the vaccine passport. There really are two types of people now.

Historically, personal medical information is private. I don't have to tell my employer if I have diabetes or herpes or depression, but now I have to carry a passport where I can show to anyone who requests proving that I've received the vaccine? Should we start asking those with AIDS to identify themselves before coming in a restaurant?

On the flipside in our own country, those who are vaccinated are told they need to stay home and wear a mask at home. 

It seems that every time the news media waves their hand like a Jedi and tells us to believe the opposite of what they just said, because it's science and all doctors, scientists and celebrities agree, that we immediately believe it. 

It wasn't long ago that being a liberal meant that you wanted to help the poor, minorities, the earth and wanted the government to back out of your life. Whoa! Not any more! We not only love that the government mandates things, but we demand more of it. 

Religion In my life, I have always known people who wouldn't be vaccinated and though this really irritates a few people, it seems to be. Children could attend school without being vaccinated if it was for religious or other reasons. It seems that as a community, we are ok with that, but any acceptance of different beliefs is gone.

Without a vaccine, you are one of the 5 unwise virgins or are one of the tares that has been sifted from the wheat. Failing this one thing that we've been asked to do. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder-day Saints. The leadership of this organization were the earliest adopters in receiving the vaccine and are very pro-vaccine.

I actually do believe this is a sifting of the wheat from the tares or a separation of the 5 unwise virgins from the wedding party. Now you should know, I believe strongly in Jesus Christ, though my life is far from where it should be for someone who loves Him. This year, I've been studying the topic of Love in the New Testament. It is fascinating to see the people who Jesus really loves while he distances himself from the Pharisees in particular. The Pharisees are those who adhere the most strongly to their religion, but also look down on the others around them. 

I believe those who love everyone regardless of their choices are the ones acting like Christ. Believing that receiving the vaccines places one on a lofty and righteous area where you can now look down upon those who are not as righteous as yourself, well welcome to the Pharisees! Isn't this the opposite of what we should be doing?

For me, I feel that when I love everyone because they are children of God and that love has nothing to do with their choices, then I'm growing closer to Christ. When I feel I'm better than others because I am more obedient, I try and realize that is a big Pharisee thing and that my pride has let me obedience allow me to distance myself from the person I am trying to emulate. 

Maybe the vaccine is like Moses holding up the serpent on the staff and those who simply look up at it are healed. That may be the case. There is definitely a sifting of the wheat and tares and separation of the 5 virgins who are prepared and the 5 who weren't. When I look out there, the divide isn't between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed as politicians and the news keep telling us, it is between the accepting and the judging. 

Judging someone for wearing a mask is easy. They either have one or not. If someone has a vaccine passport, they are also good or not. To me, I believe that Jesus looks at our hearts and always has. I don't think this changed in 2020. If someone has a bad feeling about the vaccine or has done their homework and doesn't want it or they want to wait a little longer, then I think that is great. 

It makes me want to cry to see devolution of Christianity as it is now acceptable to judge people by their mask or vaccine status. I pray that some of these friends don't see anyone with a nose piercing, tattoo, walking into an abortion clinic or to a medical facility to get AIDS medications. 

My SummaryI've had COVID, it wasn't fun. I was pretty tired for a few days and did take half a day off work. Most people have no symptoms or just mild ones like I had. 

Should people get the vaccine? Maybe. Should we strip away freedom from those who won't get it? Absolutely not. Should we use the vaccine as a method to strengthen the government's ability to control and limit our freedoms? Absolutely not. Should we belittle, mock and scorn those who haven't gotten it? Absolutely not. Now there lies the greater sin for me. When you are dividing the country into different groups and hating the ones who feel differently than yourself? Well now you see why those who oppose the vaccine are comparing this to 1930s Germany.

Am I against voluntary use of the vaccine? Not at all. Do I support the hate and vitriol to force people to do things against their will? Nope. Should the government have the power to remove someone's freedoms who question or refuse their "mandates"? Not at all.


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