Keep Calm and Carry On

You are going through a hard time, but it will pass. You will win and you will conquer. You will come out the winner, you always have, you always will. 

As we used to say in the fire department - all fires go out. They do. And from the ashes bust out the Phoenix ready to kick some derriere. 

In a year from now, you will be looking back and laughing at what a crazy time this was. 

You've gone through way more difficult trials in your life and these trials will soon be chalked up to you being strong and more awesome than before. You will win. You always have. That isn't going to change. 

It isn't the easy days that have made you the rock-star that you are, it is what you have conquered in life. You, your family, your country, your religion and the world are great because what they have overcome. 
Image result for be of good cheer and do not fear
You are not great because you coast through life. You are not amazing because you have had everything given to you. You are not great because you have had an easy life. You are awesome because you suffered, toiled, worked and scrapped to come out on top of life's biggest trials. 

You faced the beast and won. You lined up against your Goliaths and slayed them. You have won, you always have and this time is no different.

Someday when your children are going through hard times you'll tell them - whoa check this dawg, there was this one time back in like 2015, uh 2020, uh maybe 2025, ok, I don't even remember but it was crazy! There was this virus, hmmm, I don't recall what we called it, but then we were all quarantined at home and no one was working and the economy was crazy and then we had this earthquake! It was lit cray cray but we won and are here today better and stronger.
Image result for you have nothing to fear but fear itself
Is this the end of the world? Probably not. More likely it is a combination of difficult times that you are about to destroy. If the four horseman of the apocalypse are bringing in the end of the world today, well then you have nothing to worry about either! 

Image result for I've feared a great many things in my lifeThe financial markets are a great example. The market goes up and down ALL THE TIME. It bounces all over the place. It is painful to see the market shrink, but it always goes back up. People who give up and pull their money when the market is down, make far less coin than those who stick with the fight. It will go back up. It always does. Always.

I love the scripture that says in John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

It seems that the Lord and his angels would grow tired of telling us to trust in Him, have peace and to fear not. He doesn't tell us to chillax during the smooth times because we already do. We are to trust in Him, especially during difficult times. We are to trust him now and always.


Image result for you have nothing to fear but fear itselfWhether the speaker is Jesus, Roosevelt, Gandhi or your own inner voice, you know fear is the enemy. You know from so many examples that you are wasting fear on a situation that you will conquer. 

If you could go back in time and give yourself advice to help you through trials you have suffered in life, I'm guessing it would go something like this - Hey younger Ryan dude, you'll get through this. I promise. I know it sucks young fella, but it won't last forever, life will be far greater after this. You cannot even imagine the happiness coming your way. Trust me. Oh and maybe layoff the raspberry fritters. You know what, never mind, don't change a thing. You got this. 

One day, you will want to go back to this time and give yourself that same advice. Whatever advice you would give yourself for previous trials, you should listen to now.

Trust Him, believe Him, and go forth and slay this giant!

Image result for jesus peter walking on water


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