
Showing posts from March, 2020

Daddy Dates

A few years ago, I read in one of Stephen Covey's books that he would take one of his kids (and he had like a million of them) out on a date every month. It was incredibly difficult for him to do so with his crazy work and travel schedule, but he still made time. Following his example is probably the most rewarding thing that I do in life. It is easily the best part of my week.  Before someone gets mad - I think it is great for moms to go on dates with the kids too, but I happen to be a guy and am writing from that stand point. Yes, lots of dad's stay home and often there are not dads in the home. Women are amazing. Y ou can promote dads without being demeaning towards women. Both can be great.  If you want my take on moms, check it out here:    We are definitely not perfect at getting out on a date every week, but we are pretty close. I love it. Our dates are pretty e...

Keep Calm and Carry On

You are going through a hard time, but it will pass. You will win and you will conquer. You will come out the winner, you always have, you always will.  As we used to say in the fire department - all fires go out. They do. And from the ashes bust out the Phoenix ready to kick some derriere.  In a year from now, you will be looking back and laughing at what a crazy time this was.  You've gone through way more difficult trials in your life and these trials will soon be chalked up to you being strong and more awesome than before. You will win. You always have. That isn't going to change.  It isn't the easy days that have made you the rock-star that you are, it is what you have conquered in life. You, your family, your country, your religion and the world are great because what they have overcome.  You are not great because you coast through life. You are not amazing because you have had everything given to you. You are not great because you have had...