
Showing posts from 2022


Vaccines for the Rona! In case you've been asleep for the last couple of years, way back in 2020 the COVID-19 virus started to ravage the world. The number of deaths were staggering and the world prayed and hoped for a solution.  Given the collection of ridiculously crazy smart people gathered together at different locations around the globe, several vaccines were produced to combat the disease. It really was miraculous.  Beliefs about this miracle have become so incredibly divisive, that this is probably the only blog I'll write where I don't post it on social media. People seem to have lost their ever living freaking minds about vaccines and are so very entrenched in opposing beliefs about it that people are no longer open to any type of civil discussion about it.  Not that you care what I think, but, here is what I think :-) When Covid first hit people were terrified. We were asked to wear masks in public and if we were in a high-risk group or were feeling symptoms the...