Motherhood - The Ultimate Calling

Mom's are the single greatest group of people to ever live. Ever. There is no greater or more noble calling that than of a mother. There is no group of people who deserve our respect and admiration more than mothers. Nope, nothing. Not a doctor, senator, football player or firefighter, mothers are the greatest and here is why...

I believe the definition of "mother" to be fairly wide open. Some who may not fit the traditional role of motherhood, but are definitely still moms, include women who are unable to have children, grandmothers, neighbors and yes, even some men who devote themselves to raising children. For my purposes, if you have had children or are raising children, here's to you!

Image result for super mom

God is our parent and our creator. Being an all-knowing and all-powerful being, his options for how he spends his time, are fairly wide open. He has chosen parenthood and raising His children (us), as His greatest undertaking, not lounging around on a beach in the Caribbean.

I believe there is nothing closer to Godhood that we can achieve in this life, than raising children. That is how He spends His times and those who do the same in this life, mirror His actions. No one comes closer to this than mothers.

Those in our society who most fully give themselves to the lives of others, are the real heroes. Jesus told his disciples that "whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sakes shall find it". I can't think of anyone who loses their life more fully to others than mothers. 

For some reason, our society sees things much differently than I do. When writing this, I googled "Motherhood is" and waited to see what results appeared. Nearly every story returned in my search, was about motherhood being overrated or encouraging parents not to have children. If for some reason they failed and do have a child, they should get back to work as soon as possible. We are encouraged to not have children, to have an abortion, or if neither of these workout, and you are still irresponsible enough to bring a child into this world, you should quickly return to your job. A job is paramount.

A photograph of sunlight shining on a field of flowers, with a quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: “You are doing better than you think you are.”Now don’t get me wrong, a job is a must. You can’t really raise children without income. Food, clothing, shelter and homes do not grow on trees. Some of the most amazing women, including my own wife and mother, worked while raising children. The issue for me arises, when we demonize having children over the pursuit of a career. For me, the importance of me working is to support my family. Let's be real here, regardless of how important you think you are at your job, unless you are the President of the United States, in three months, no one will remember who you are (if you are the President of the United States, would you mind sharing my blog on social media? I think that would help increase my followers).

I was recently talking to a buddy about how his wife wanted to go back to work. He makes plenty of money and the decision to work definitely is not financially related. Unfortunately, it has almost become embarrassing in our world for a parent to stay at home to raise and care for their children. I spoke with one mom that felt so bad about not having a job, that she found a part-time job, but paid more in daycare than she was making. The overall loss of money was ok though, because she now felt she was "contributing" to society and not carrying the shame of "only" raising her children! "Only" raising children? Really?

I'm definitely not saying that every mom should stay at home, many times this is not feasible. Being the case though, we shouldn't shame the awesome moms who do stay home. Some of the most amazing women I know, are able to raise children and work and go to school. Some of the best moms I know are men who stay at home to devote their lives to their children.

My wife is possibly the greatest mother to ever live. She has always worked part-time as a dental hygienist but there is no doubt that her working is just part of the many things she does to benefit our children. 

Teachers are often referred to as heroes of our communities, and they definitely are. Even with their amazing impact on our world, few teachers can make the difference that a mother has on her children. Mothers are teachers, but on a far higher level. We look up to teachers, but down on moms? Really?

Image result for supermomNot surprisingly, the CDC tells us that the rate of childbirth continues to drop. Each year we hit new lows. The war on families seems to be going strong! (

I get it.

There was a time before we had children, that my wife and I were lounging around in Bora Bora during a 3-week trip around the South Pacific. We had been married for a few years and at that time, I was totally fine not having children. Traveling the world and living a more cush lifestyle is not too shabby!

I am so grateful that life did not stay like that.

Our children have been the greatest blessing in our lives. Sure, it is very trying at times, but I wouldn't trade it for anything, not even a lifetime of travel (although a trip back to Tahiti would be pretty darned nice).

I used to work 24-hour shifts as a firefighter/paramedic and with the unique schedule would have full days off with my kids, when my wife would work. Though there were obviously some very challenging days working as a firefighter, an average day with the kids was much more challenging and far more taxing. The same is true with my current job and people often joke after taking days off to be home with the kids, that they can't wait to get back to work so they can relax again!

This is video about moms is just rad...

There is no group of individuals I admire more than moms. (Ok, Navy Seals are pretty cool, and I would put them in second place). I've taken a few days off work these past couple of weeks to hang out with the kids while my wife was away. It was just plain nuts. There is so much to do, to teach and to coordinate when you have children. One of these days I coordinated activities with 7 other moms’! Seven! There was so much carpooling, play dates, games, practices etc. I don't know how they can keep this up every day! I get more steps on my watch when I stay home with the kids, than a day where I wake up early, hit the elliptical, go to work and go to the gym on my lunch break. Momming is far more intense!

If you were hiring for your company, would you take a mom who has mastered so many aspects of life in raising their children, or someone with an MBA and no experience? I have an MBA (and a mom) and I know which I would choose!

So many in our society reach their golden years, and look back on their lives with the same regret? What is that regret? I'm sure you can guess - I wish I had spent more time with my family and less time at work! If that is a regret for so many, why do we not learn from them? 

If 99.99% of people who smoke want to stop, why would someone not learn from their example and not start? Some of the most successful people of our time, when they reach an older age and seemed to have achieved everything in life, wish they had spent more time with their families. We should learn from their example.

When it comes to heroes, most people would choose their mom or wife over Captain America any day. Sorry Capt. Those who don't, may choose a sports star, actor or some other famous person (or even a Navy Seal!). This is great, but who does the famous person attribute their success to? Their mothers! Who are the heroes of the heroes? Their mothers!

Image result for motherhoodAsk people who is the most important person in their life and I'm guessing the answer won't be the current president or Will Smith or Taylor Swift. It will be their mom or wife. 

Pretty much any job out there has people providing a service to the world.  Some people will make changes to the world through their employment that will forever benefit our planet. The greatest contribution one can make, is to better the next generation. Helping people with their financial situations, betters people's lives tremendously, teaching and raising the next generation is epic.

The best Legacy you can leave is raising children. The greatest impact you can have on this world is to raise your children. A doctor may improve or prolong one's life, an entertainer may bring temporary happiness, you may improve the life of another through your job, but no one has the impact on the future that mother's have. No one.

It is amazing to see so many women who in the prime of their lives give up their time, jobs and goals to have children. From then, they sacrifice their times, bodies, sleep and all that they are to raise their children.  They lose their lives to improve the lives of their families. Time that could easily be spent on pursuits of leisure or entertainment, are now spent raising and education their children. 

I'm not sure why society has decided to attack families and motherhood but unfortunately, they are winning. There are still plenty out here who believe you are the most awesome, rocking, fantastic godlike people out there! To all those who sacrifice their own time and lives to improve the lives of others and the future of our planet. THANK YOU


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