The Bacon Diet


I lost twelve pounds in 10 days on the Bacon Diet. It is always fun losing weight on a diet, but doing so while eating the greatest food ever? Yup, pretty awesome! Since it is not your conventional diet, I wanted to answer a few questions. As you can imagine, when I'm cooking up a half pound of bacon in the break room, there are plenty of questions that follow!

Did you only eat bacon? - No, but I ate a lot of it. I did mix in some eggs and a few veggies but it was pretty much just bacon. This was a pretty common dinner for me...

Did you get hungry? No, if I did get hungry, I'd eat more bacon. Generally I'd have a couple eggs for breakfast and then have an early lunch and a late lunch with bacon. Most lunches were similar to that next picture.

You know that is going to make you fat right? No, I don't think so. Funny side note - I drank Diet Coke throughout this time as well. I only say it is funny because that is the other thing that consume that makes people upset. If I had a dollar every time someone said I couldn't lose weight eating bacon or while drinking Diet Coke, I'd be sailing on my yacht around Tahiti right now.

Are you sick of bacon? - Ok, let's be real here, have you ever heard someone say they were sick of eating bacon? Ever? Ya, I didn't think so. I was planning on using a variety of bacon to mix it up, but I ended up just getting cheaper bulk bacon at Costco. For the record, the cheap bulk stuff at Costco is delicious and I never got tired of it.

Was it way expensive? Not really. I went with the Costco Kirkland bacon which was pretty cheap. With eggs and everything else I ate, the cost came to about $9 a day. Not too shabby compared to other diets. 

You know that is going to kill you right? Again, I don't think so. People seem to get angry when they see you eating so much bacon. It is going to make you fat!  When you explain that you are losing weight, then they move to the next arguments - your blood pressure will skyrocket, your sadness will increase drastically or the ozone will start depleting. If the first argument doesn't work, people are bent on there being something wrong, so they move to other ones.   

The funny thing is that people who go on bacon diets lose weight, lower their blood pressure, lower their cholesterol and every other meaningful measurement taken through a full blood panel, comes out better, which of course, just seems to make people really upset. And even the ozone seems to fair ok.

How did you cook it? I tried an assortment of ways from microwave to the griddle to the oven to just dropping a bunch in a pan. I hear smoked bacon is quite delicious, but I didn't try it during this experiment. I would usually cook a pound at a time on our griddle, it seemed to be the fastest.

Do you feel sick? Not at all! I actually feel great and I'm down a notch off the belt which is pretty cool. I feel much healthier than I did before. At no point during the diet did I feel ill.

How much did you lose? I lost 12 pounds during my ten day bacon diet. I lost 1-2 pounds every single day on the diet, with the exception of one day in the middle, where I went off the diet and had Mexican food with family. This really did me in and I gained four pounds over night. This took 2-3 days to work back off at my 1-2 pounds a day rate. If I would have excluded the carb-happy meal, I should have lost around 15 pounds in the ten days.

How much did you eat a day? I ate two pounds of bacon a day. I generally had a half a pound around 10:30 am, another half around 2:30 pm and then a pound (usually one package) with some eggs for dinner. Yes, I know you too secretly dream of eating an entire package of bacon all by yourself. You haven't lived until you've tried it.

How can you lose weight eating bacon? Probably because you eat absolutely no carbohydrates. Instead of your body using carbs for energy, it is forced using your own fat for energy, which isn't a bad thing. It actually isn't a whole lot different from other low-carb diets, except instead of having a variety of non-carb foods, you just do bacon!

Did you try turkey or veggie bacon? It tastes just like real bacon. If you hate being happy, this a great option! No, this is not an acceptable alternative and was not part of the diet.

Isn't bacon pretty much the worst thing you can eat? Well no. There is quite a bit of research on nutrition that contradicts what you've learned in the past. Sure if you throw bacon on a 1,200 calorie hamburger and wash it down with fries and a shake, it is isn't going to help. If you eat bacon with your eggs and limit your carbs, you should be alright. Don't take my word for it, Google it!

Would you do it again? Absolutely. To be honest, the only downside was eating something else that the rest of my family was not having. 

Would you recommend it? Absolutely! There are endless diets out there where you count carbs, macros, weigh your food or perform all sorts of complex calculations. If you want an easy and delicious diet, eat bacon!  
 Image result for bacon heart


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