Intolerance of beliefs - our modern day plague

If you are like me, every time you have hop on social media during 2020, you see friends boldly declaring that they will no longer be associated with those who are racist and bigoted with beliefs different than themselves. They are appalled and shocked to learn that they have been acquainted with people for so long and never seen their true evil. Thanks to their favorite "news" outlet, they are now informed and with an air of enlightened superiority they kick their friends to the curb. 

Media - 1, Society - 0 

Regardless of political belief, it seems that intolerance of thought is just as acceptable as intolerance towards certain races, genders or religions have been in the past. Hating someone for their outward appearance has been replaced with the much more cool idea of hating someone for believing differently. Obviously, as we learn from the media, the only way someone could believe differently is because they are bigots and the only solution is to part paths with them.

Fortunately crimes involving genocide for reasons of color or religion exist at a fraction of what we see historically. We look back at the violence of the Crusades or the Holocaust with disgust that people were once so unaccepting of another's faith and then cheer violence against our fellow men today when someone has different political beliefs.

The level of hate hasn't gone anywhere, it has just changed forms. 

This seems to be a reflection of the more deeply rooted problem of prejudice in our day. The crisis we are facing is that the hatred of perceived hatred is enlightenment. One may pronounce their lofty position of hatred towards another because the other person is, well, hateful and we stand victorious on the socially acceptable high ground.

I update this post as the flag at my home flies at half-staff for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who passed away. Though she has had an incredibly remarkable career, it is fascinating to read about her friendship with Justice Antonin Scalia. 

Imagine two of the most powerful justices in the world, with very different ideologies, seeing very important votes go the way of the opposing side by a vote of 5-4. You'll probably feel hurt knowing that if one of the other 5 had just seen the world a little differently, then the future of the world would be far better. It has got to be frustrating for them to vote on so many landmark judgments while their friend is voting totally different than themselves. 

We aren't talking random people on Facebook unfriending each other because they believe whatever is pooping out of MSNBC/FOX/CNN that day, these are very well-informed intelligent people making huge decisions for the world.

The great part is that these two justices with opposing beliefs have maintained a very cordial friendship over the years. I think we have something to learn from them!

I'm not sure when fighting hate with hate become not only acceptable but encouraged. When did we decide that we could establish our higher moral ground by hating others? When did it become acceptable to no longer discuss issues and instead block every out who believes different than we do.

It seems the only way we can think of to raise up a certain group is by tearing down those who are not of that group. If you want to promote women, you must first hate men or if you want to promote your political party, you must destroy the others. Sure, if you are a Denver Broncos fan
, you won't like the Las Vegas Raiders, but let's leave that train of thought in the sports world.

The crazy part is that when you talk to someone about their social viewpoints they seem fascinatingly similar. I have friends whose political leanings lie either to the far left or far right but when you start talking to them and discussing issues and breaking down topics their viewpoints are very similar.

Once I had a discussion with a liberal and a conservative about how best to help those who are homeless. The liberal started in about how the conservative hated poor people and the conservative countered by saying how the liberals want to endlessly support those unwilling to work. As we discussed solutions and stopped regurgitating what our preferred media outlets told us, it was amazing to see that both friends had nearly identical feelings about financial aid, housing and unemployment, race, national security but they remained separated by the perceived notions vomited out by cable news networks and politicians. 

It turns out their true feelings were so similar but their outlook was completely marred by politics. I'm certain that similarities run far deeper than just helping the poor, if people would sit down and talk things out.

It seems that a small amount of discussion would do the world wonders. Instead of hearing something from the cesspool of CNN/MSNBC/FOX and then judging our friends based on that, we might just talk to them! I guaranteed your friend will be incredibly shocked that people would perceive their beliefs as hateful or bigoted. 

Open dialogue will wash away years of hatred

I would say that pretty much all people want to help the homeless, end racism, end bigotry, support refugees, take great care of the Earth, improve education, defend the country from terrorists and live healthier lifestyles. If you feel differently, it is time to turn off the media feed and talk to people.

Unfriending people is the best way to stop any progress towards understanding, true enlightenment and to remain in the bubble created by your favorite media.

If there is a source of communication that encourages your hate or anger towards another it may not be a bad idea to reevaluate the dependence on that source. 

Once I read daily from 20+ different news apps and what I found was incredible! You can read that one here....What I learned from reading 20+ different news apps a day

Media in particular makes billions from pitting watchers against each other or making us feel like the victim from their opposing camp's viewpoint. Victimization is what keeps them incredibly rich.

Next time you feel strong feelings or hatred towards another for their viewpoint have a chat with them! Once you ask them - why do you support candidate X or why do you believe Y or hey I how do you feel about Z, you will likely see that their viewpoints are very similar to your own.

You will both gain knowledge, true enlightenment and power! Give it a shot and I promise you won't regret it!


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